In an odd number division, it does not retain the decimal part; this is why it can be used to test for an odd number. 在奇数除法中,它不会保留小数部分,这就是它可用于测试奇数的原因。
An expression that requires real ( decimal) numbers; the decimal point is required part of the number. 需要实数(十进制)的一种表达式,十进制小数点是所需该十进制数的一部分。
All countries do not use the same characters for separating the decimal part from the integer part, and for grouping digits. 所有的国家都使用相同的字符来分隔小数部分和整数部分,或对数位进行分组。
In the early stage of the genetic algorithms, the three genetic mechanisms are used both in integer part and decimal part, so that the genetic algorithms have stronger global search ability, keep the population diversity efficiently and avoid falling into local extremum. 在遗传算法开始阶段,该编码算子进行整数部分和小数部分的遗传操作,使得遗传算法在早期具有很强的全局搜索能力,避免陷入局部极值;
Integer part and decimal part can be once conversed in this method. 整数与小数部分可一次性进行转换。
A detailed introduction to installations in the operation category, decimal location, module and transformation applying Pro/ E software in the process of spare part designing, alteration of system and redefinition problems confronted and solutions. 详细介绍了应用Pro/E软件进行设计的过程中在工作目录的设置、小数位置的设置、单位制的设置和转换、系统颜色的改变以及对特征的重定义等方面遇到的问题和解决方法。
A counter with timing fiducial oscillator acts as a frequency multiplier, and the count value in the prior period is taken as the reference for the current period to give the decimal part of a signal period. 该方法利用带基准时基的数字计数器实现周期内线性细分,当前周期信号将前一整周期的倍频数作为参考构成信号周期的小数部分。
Traditional divided by the base for the remaining few and multiplied by the base to choose integer, each of which respectively calculates integer part and decimal part, are being applied in the method of numbering system conversion in computer. 计算机中数制的转换方法一直采用传统经典的除基取余法和乘基取整法,来分别计算数的整数部分和小数部分。
The frequency offset compensation algorithm combines of decimal part CFO and integral part CFO compensation algorithm. 载波频偏补偿算法采用小数部分频偏补偿和整数部分频偏补偿相结合的方法,相位噪声补偿算法采用插入梳状导频估计方法。